Thursday, January 5, 2017

Libby Bakalar should not be working as an attorney for the State of Alaska

Libby Bakalar is entitled to her opinions.

However, she is not entitled to a job with the State of Alaska as an Assistant Attorney General.

The citizens of Alaska have the right to have fair and impartial and hard-working attorneys staffing the Department of Law and Attorney General's office.

My opinion is: Ms. Bakalar should put out a shingle OR perhaps try to make a living as a blog writer. Or she could do both - because if you are in private practice, your time is your own.  Alternatively, Ms. Bakalar could try to work for the ACLU because her political views seem to align with that non profit. And with the ACLU, all of her blogging would count as working.

For the record, I am an attorney in private practice so I am free to share my political opinions because I do not represent the State of Alaska.  I am also free to spend all day long blogging because I am not on the clock as a State employee. If I don't put in enough billable hours, I don't get paid.

Feb. 4th Update:  Ms. Bakalar is now claiming that I am a bully and a longtime "reader/stalker of O.H.M." (See her newest blog posts.) These claims are not true.

I rarely read O.H.M. until a couple of months ago when I went through the entire blog and read most of the posts for the very first time. Over the last few years, I would occasionally read one of Libby's blog posts when one of our mutual friends shared it on Facebook.  This led to the now notorious "Duggar" incident which took place in May, 2015.  A mutual friend shared the post titled, "Judge Lest Ye Be Judged" (5/22/15). In that post, Libby wrote (among other things - the essay was primarily about Josh Duggar) that the Duggar's tv show ought to be titled "Michelle Duggar's Vagina is a clown car."  I wrote a comment on the Facebook post that I thought that Libby was attacking the Duggars for being fundamental Christians and I was offended by the name calling. (I am not a fundamental Christian and I am not even religious but I have grown tired of liberal hypocrites thinking that it is okay to attack fundamental Christians for their religious beliefs but other religions are off limits - such as Islam.) Libby claims I defended child molester Josh Duggar which is nonsense.  I defended Mr. and Mrs. Duggars's actions in handling the situation.  (I am a criminal attorney; I have also worked on many Child in Need of Aid cases; and I think that the Duggars acted appropriately to keep their children safe.) Libby's friends had a field day making fun of me on Facebook. I was attacked and bullied. They didn't pay any attention to what I was actually saying - they were just quick to mock me.  At one point, I wrote something like - what if I called Libby names like she calls the Duggars names and I invented a name  - something like Mother Superior POS Libtard.  (Libby's style of arguing a point is to call names and use profanity.) Ruth, the mutual friend, eventually deleted the whole thread.  Apparently, Libby (who did not participate in the discussion but was monitoring it) thought the whole thing was hysterically funny and the next day devoted a blog post to making fun of me. She later wrote a few more posts about the Duggars always mentioning me (not by name) as the Duggar defender and calling me more names such as a "a complete and total fuckwit." (I only saw all of these posts in December.) And I can't find it now but I think she referred to me as a some sort of gun toting Bible clinging Valley redneck in another unrelated post.  (Which is all rather ridiculous and mean.  Stereotype much Libby? I was a registered Democrat until this year.  I am from a nice town near Boston, Massachusetts. My family members (going back generations) are highly educated (Harvard, Stanford, MIT etc.) professionals. I know nothing about guns. I have never read the bible. But - and this is important - I do not look down on or make fun of gun toting Bible clinging rural "rednecks" and she shouldn't either.)  Update - found it - Libby referred to me "a crazy-ass redneck from Palin Country."

In November just after the election, the same mutual friend [a permanent federal judicial law clerk who was in the habit of broadcasting her (very liberal) political views constantly on social media - causing me to wonder - do these gov't employees ever do any work? - despite the federal judicial ethics rules] posted an item on Facebook about a "hate crime" (from a nutty Instagram account - not a news source.)  I wrote a comment that I thought the story was fake despite her edict of "no comments!" Not surprisingly, I was attacked and bullied by a bunch of her liberal Facebook friends.  I posted comments and links trying to prove my point that she was posting "fake news." Ruth de-friended and blocked me (I have learned during the 2016 election season is that if you disagree with a liberal person, you are very likely to get de-friended because they do not tolerate dissenting views) and then devoted an entire Facebook post (which I could not see but which was read to me by a friend) to disparaging me by name and explaining to all of her Facebook friends that although she hadn't actually bothered to read the lengthy discussion on her page (it was mostly a discussion between me and one of her other friends), she had had "enough" of me and she would not longer tolerate my "abuse" or something along those lines.  Apparently, it is considered "abuse" to a liberal to comment with a differing opinion.  Ruth had hundreds of Facebook friends who were connected to our fairly small legal community who could all see this post dedicated to trashing me.  I had no way to defend myself or explain myself because I was blocked. This wasn't fair to me and it was (as another solo practitioner attorney friend concurred) possibly harmful to my reputation. I sent Ruth a polite email telling her I had no hard feelings about her de-friending me and asking her to please remove the post. Instead of responding she wrote yet another Facebook post about me - this time writing - something like "If I blocked you and de-friended you, I am not going to open an email from you. Take the hint." And Libby wrote a Facebook post calling me a racist (although she did not use my name) and Ruth shared it.

Found it:

Above is what Libby wrote on her personal Facebook page at 10:05 a.m. on a Wednesday (and which was shared by her friend Ruth at 12:12 p.m.) - "Pro Tip:  If you preface any sentence with "I'm not a racist, guess what? You fucking are."  [This was written about me following the previous evening's discussion of fake hate crimes.  Apparently, if you question a fishy Instagram "hate" crime or discuss fake hate crimes, you are a "fucking" racist.]

So, to summarize: For engaging in two online discussions (one about the Duggars and one about fake news) and giving an alternate non-liberal viewpoint, I was called a "Complete and Total Fuckwit" and a "fucking" racist and I was disparaged in multiple public blog posts and semi-public Facebook posts.

The people who are the true online bullies here are Ruth and Libby.

In December, I read the Alaska Dispatch story about the Electoral College lawsuit and noticed that Libby was interviewed and gave her opinion as the state's "election attorney."  I knew she was an Assistant Attorney General based in Juneau but I did not know exactly what her duties were or what section she was assigned to until I saw this article.  I then read a lot of her blog. This is when I saw the dozens and dozens of hysterical anti-Trump posts. Seeing so many blog posts devoted to attacking Trump and his supporters and then thinking about the types of cases Libby was involved in as an AAG made me really mad. I posted a comment about this on the ADN article linking to some of her anti-Trump blog posts because I believe that Alaskans have a right to know that the attorney who is supposed to be representing us in election cases (although she was not an attorney in the electors case she was interviewed about) is extremely liberal.

I am a person who values fairness.  It is not right to me that Libby is working as an AAG on politically sensitive cases.  From her online treatment of me and others, it is abundantly clear that she has a liberal worldview and she doesn't listen to anyone with an different viewpoint.  She is close-minded. She is mean to a lot of people - just read her blog posts.  She labeled me a racist because I dared write that some "hate crimes" are faked.  She is hysterically anti-Trump and wrote that she has a personal boundary and will not engage with anyone who voted for Trump.  I don't think any of this is compatible with working as an attorney for the people of Alaska.

So I drafted this blog but put it aside.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to file a formal complaint. I let it sit for a while and discussed it with a couple of friends.  And then I heard the APRN radio interview of Libby participating in the Wash DC "women's march."  I decided to check out Libby's Facebook page and Twitter account (and no I have not stalked her; I have only looked at her social media accounts - which are PUBLIC - very recently) and saw more political posts - such as Call Senator Sullivan about Besty DeVos - and I thought - enough is enough. Moreover, it seems to me - from my analysis of her social media posts - that Libby is spending a significant amount of her time at work on her social media/political opinion activities. She denies it but the evidence suggests otherwise.  And to me, this is arrogance.  My opinion: Libby and Ruth are typical arrogant know-it-all liberals with cushy high-paying government jobs who think it is A-okay to spend their time at work on social media telling people what they think and making fun of people who do not agree with them.  It is offensive. And it is not ethical.

Libby is entitled to her opinions.  And I am entitled to my opinions.  And this is my opinion: Alaskans are entitled to have hard-working and ethical and fair and unbiased and non-political blogging government attorneys.

NOTE: Every once in a while - out of the blue - Ms. Bakalar refers to me on her blog. 

Update 2/26:  More name-calling by Ms. Bakalar on her blog. (Apparently, if you complain about her O.H.M. blog, you must be a "sorryass, unemployed neo-Nazi troll" and/or "basement-dwelling motherfucker with nothing better to do than get all up in our shit like white supremacy on rice.")

Friday, February 24, 2017

"Our POTUS is a manifestly delusional, likely senile, sociopathic, treasonous, semi-literate, lecherous oligarch who is scissoring the Constitution into red white and blue confetti like Edward Cheeto-Hands with the help of Congress, all at the direction of a repellent, rheumy-eyed alcoholic who legit wants to destroy democracy and perpetuate the master race. 

Meantime, those with the gall n' balls to make the painfully fucking obvious foregoing observations are besieged and lurked on the daily by thirsty AF, sorryass, unemployed neo-Nazi trolls and farm-fresh, cage-free, Twitter egg basement-dwelling motherfuckers with nothing better to do than get all up in our shit like white supremacy on rice."

Update March 13, 2017:  More name-calling.  Apparently, if you criticize Ms. Bakalar for violating ethical standards, you are a "white supremacist cyber-stalker."

Monday, March 13, 2017

Now I Need to Worry About Deformed Sperm? Fucking Grrreeeeaaaat.

"As if I don't have enough to worry about between white supremacist cyber-stalkers coming for me in real life and that weird mole on my back, now the New York Times' Nicholas Kristof says I need to concern myself with deformed sperm?!

Not my husband's, mind you. IDGAF about those guys. As far as I'm concerned, Geoff can shoot blanks until his dick falls off. The very last thing I need (besides a life-time supply of Nutella) is another mini-human gnawing on my titties for a year, robbing me of precious sleep (not to mention booze), and generally making me want to swallow a bottle of Xanax . . .  except when it smiles and I play with its toes and smell its new-baby head smell because then  . . . okay now I want another baby. Okay, never mind, I'm over it."

Update March 19th - More name calling.  (Apparently, people who complain about her blog are "motherfuckers" who are "gas lighting" her.)

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Do Not Let the Mofos Gaslight You

"In other words: who will direct your own moral and ethical compass?

Recently I went through a hard (but fortunately brief) period that forced me to confront all of these questions, repeatedly, on a near daily basis. It brought a number of outside forces into my life that challenged my inner voice. And in the end, my inner voice was one hundred percent validated and vindicated.

But did I need anyone or anything else for that? Not really. Do any of us? No.

If there's a singular axiom I live by, it's this, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to live their own truth: 

Do not let the motherfuckers gaslight you."

According to Libby's loopy logic, she is blogging (and swearing and name-calling) because her grandfather was imprisoned for a cause (union organizing). For the record, MY grandfather fought in the Irish rebellion and was also imprisoned (and tortured by the British for 3 years) for fighting for a cause (Irish freedom and democracy) and I have many other relatives who also fought for good causes (WWII - they were navy pilots and soldiers and nurses.) So therefore, I guess I have the "right" to follow my moral compass and share my opinions about what is right and what is wrong too.  Hence, this blog and my ethics complaint. 

April 1, 2017 UPDATE

More name calling:

Saturday, April 1, 2017

POTUS is Fully Losing His Goddamnt Mahnd!

Ever since a stalker wingnut tried and failed to get me fired for criticizing Donald Trump as if Alaska were communist Russia with no First and Fourteenth Amendments, I've only been emboldened to criticize him more, as often as possible.

My response:  Libby can pretend that my ethics complaint was simply about her criticizing Donald Trump but that is not the truth and she knows it. 

My ethics complaint had three main components: 

1st.  Libby was assigned to the "Labor and State Affairs" section of the AAG's office where she (and the team of attorneys in that group) represent the Governor's office, the Lt. Governor's office, the Division of Elections, and dozens of other gov't departments and agencies on behalf of Alaskans.  These AAGs work on many politically charged matters such as election cases, Ballot Initiatives, Recalls of elected officials, Civil Rights matters, etc.  The AAGs in that section often team up with AAGs in the Ethics and Opinions group and that is the group that handles cases such as the Planned Parenthood litigation.  In my opinion, as an attorney, and after reviewing the Ethics Act for Executive Branch employees, if you are an AAG - especially one assigned to either of those sections - you should NOT be blogging about politics. And Libby blogged constantly about all sorts of local, state and national political issues - not just Trump. Does anyone really think she is impartial? No way. 

2nd. Libby seemed to be blogging and using social media A LOT during workdays.  Read my blog post about this. 

3rd.  The profanity, flippancy, vulgarity, and meanness she spouts on social media on a daily basis is not professional. Our State Officials should strive to act in a professional and dignified manner.  This is set forth in the Ethic Code. If Libby wants to be a comedian, she should be a comedian.  However, if she wants to be an Assistant Attorney General representing the people of Alaska, she should be respectful to others, including the people she does not agree with, such as Jim Minnery and his followers.  

I discussed my concerns with several people, including several attorneys AND a current State Senator and a very prominent former State senator and they AGREED with me about my concerns. 

Maybe you weren't fired Libby - but you seem to have been transferred to a different section - the Transportation Section - and you don't seem to be blogging or tweeting anymore during workdays.  Also, you seem to be avoiding talking about any political issues with the exception of President Trump.  

So, actually, I am the one who feels vindicated.  
Update: April 17th- More name-calling.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Proof Positive that 2017 is a Trash Fire: John Mayer is Back

Trigger warning to hardcore John Mayer fans: I am going to offend you with this post, and I'm saying sorry in advance. If you have firm feelings about the amazing-ness of John Mayer--musically or otherwise--I suggest perhaps you stop reading now.

Otherwise, you'll have to get in line behind strippers, avalanche victims, my mother-in-law, a few transgender teens, a white supremacist stalker, and my dad among people I've offended with my color commentary. 

More name calling -fall of 2018.  Note: This October tweet from Ms. Bakalar prompted me to update this dormant blog. See the newest blog posts at beginning of this blog. 

October, 2018 UPDATE - More name calling:

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